Saturday, January 29, 2011

TennisWOD - Day 1

Hello tennis world! I'm going to do my best to stay motivated and post a workout of the day (WOD) every day. So without further delay here is your first TennisWOD...

Warmup: Jump Rope 5 minutes - work on jump rope proficiency. Can you alternate feet, do jumping jacks, cross country ski, perform double unders (having the rope pass twice underneath before landing again)?

Strength: Back Squat 3x5 (Three sets of Five reps each) - Work up to a weight that's challenging and then keep that weight for all three sets.

WOD: Tabata Power Cleans (95/65) and Pushups - Men do 95lbs Women do 65lbs

Tabata - 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest - rinse and repeat for 8 rounds each. Alternate the exercises so do power cleans, then rest, then pushups, rest, etc. 16 total rounds or 8 minutes.

Don't forget to watch the Australian Open Final. I hope Murray wins it in 5.