Sunday, March 20, 2011

Clarifying Yesterday

Warmup: 5 min Jump Rope

Strength:  Power Clean 5x3

WOD:             AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

                               3 Power Snatch @ 95/75 lbs
                               5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 95/75 lbs
                               7 Deadlift @ 95/75 lbs

Tabata:  Pushup

I didn't mean for yesterday's post to come off as arrogant as it may have sounded. However, the only reasonably functional exercise mentioned in the article were 'squats while holding dumbells at your side'. The others included things like lying on a big ab ball and pulling a dumbell over your head to your chest, holding a dumbell overhead while lifting one foot off the ground, and jumping around a hexagon to each point and back to center.

Do that as opposed to nothing will marginally improve your game, but investing the same amount of time doing TennisWOD instead would exponentially increase your results. You don't need to jump around in a hexagon in an effort to improve your agility. You don't really even need to waste time with specific on court agility movements. What you need to do is get strong. Stronger muscles produce more force, faster. Therefore if you increase your strength you will increase your speed on court. You will also protect against injuries because there will literally be more muscular structure around vital joints, ligaments, and tendons.

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