Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sore versus Injured

Warmup: 5 min Jump Rope

Strength: 5x5 Back Squat

WOD:  3 Rounds for Time of:

                       12 Thruster @ 115/95 lbs
                       12 Box Jump @ 24/20"

Tabata: Knees to Elbow

There's a difference between being sore and being injured. If you've been following the workouts and after a deadlift strength workout your lower back feels like it's on fire that is soreness. Soreness is not something to ignore. Take a day off, do some mobility work and come back the next day ready to go. If you feel any intense sharp pain during a workout, stop immediately and go see a doctor. Injury can be prevented by scaling. Be humble enough to perform the workouts at a level that will allow you to make progress and you'll be doing them as prescribed much faster than you realize.

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