Friday, February 25, 2011

Heavy Workouts Build Mental Toughness

Warmup: 5 min Jump Rope

Strength: 5x3 Power Snatch

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time of:

                       2 Deadlift at @ 275/225 lbs
                       4 Strict Pullups
                       6 Kettlebell Swing 36/24 kg
                       8 Handstand Pushups

Tabata: Air Squat

This should be a challenging workout. If it's not, well congratulations because you're probably a fit tennis player! Heavy workouts (done safely) will train you to push aside physical discomfort, focus on the task at hand, and perform the necessary movement with full range of motion. I'll write more on this tomorrow, but it is highly discouraged to "cherry pick" workouts. In other words, try your best to complete each workout in order because that is the way they are specifically programmed. If you intentionally skip some workouts, you'll be missing out on specific goals planned for during that week.

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